As the world starts to re-open will the famous phrase, “two minutes,” come back?

Often, I recall, when approaching someone for help whether it would be my parents, family, or friends, the world-famous phrase “two minutes” rings in my head and I would anxiously wait for those two minutes to come so I can ask what I need to, or play and have fun together, but many times in the hectic schedule of life, with no malintent of anyone those two minutes would never come, and the day would go by. 

Whenever we would go to a family event or party and I would be with my dad listening to conversations, it would all start with, “How are things going?” and the most common reply is that, “Life has been crazy and I wish I had two minutes to spare.” 

Maggi – “two-minute noodles”

Often during the past few years, while sleeping at night I would recollect my day and think when will the time come where we all would not be in this race of life and would have the two minutes people need. Sometimes I would laugh where I even see meals such as Maggie packaged with the slogan “two-minute noodles.” 

Whoever knew that a day would come like this where two months ago we all were told to be quarantined. While it took the first one or two weeks to adjusted to the new environment and get settled, just like the traffic on the roads has gone away the phrase “two minutes” has vanished in conversation. Everyone seems to have time for each other more than ever. Over the last month, we have had some amazing family zoom calls, card nights, and my grandmother is enjoying interacting and learning from spiritual leaders around the world. My cousins and uncles have started experimenting in the kitchen, and I also have started spending more time teaching and playing with my sister. I surely feel blessed for the time I have with my family. 

I am sure that as the world takes initial steps to re-open it may take a little time, but everything will be well, and that life will be back in routine soon. 

Now when I sleep at night, a new question comes up as to where these two minutes were earlier and it cannot be because people are at home and not working, because based on what I have been following productivity has increased in the workplace. It will take me a while to discover the answer to this. Intuitively our response is it is just being mindful of time, but my intuition tells me the answer is deeper than that. Yes, mindfulness is surely one thing, but such changes have deeper causes and effects and something I know I will be spending the rest of the year observing and discovering. 

Now for the first time during my young age, I have experienced what Rajen uncle has talked about and shared in his teaching as two extremes of the pendulum where we live our entire life swinging back and forth like the pendulum, but never get to experience the balanced point in between. At an individual level we see this swing from being happy in one moment and sad the next, but never thought I would get to witness such a swing at a global level where across the globe the phrase “two minutes” vanished the chaos came to a pause and everything got cleansed from the air to the rivers. 

As we all go back to normal life soon, I will surely try to remember to take a step back and think before responding “two minutes.” Remember to share this blog with friends and do not forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Your positive energy is much needed so please write an inspiration by clicking here and light our chandelier.