I have heard my parents say many times; time waits for nobody.  Listening but experiencing something is different, and I wanted to share a moment of realization during my summer break. While writing this blog, I felt like it had only been a few weeks since school started but indeed not true as we just celebrated Halloween and now Diwali. Connecting and writing this blog during the beautiful days of Diwali makes me feel full of joy and celebration, so I wanted to first wish everyone a very Happy Diwali and am thankful for having each one of you in my life.

As the summer ended, we as a family were on a mini-vacation, everyone was hungry and tired, and we ended up in a restaurant with a long line, and our moods started to swing as the stomach growled. Being the positive-spirited person my dad is, he got our name on the list with lots of hope. Still, the monkey in my mind was working overtime at twice the speed, filled with all the negative thoughts from the lack of vegetarian items on the menu to thinking when our turn comes, they will say sorry, but we are closed.

The irritation thermometer kept getting higher and higher, and if someone measured it, I probably had a fever. My sister could quickly tell I was a boiling potato about to burst but somehow managed to get me into a discussion by asking me if I was bored or tired or feeling something else. It not only distracted me enough to get through the process of waiting for our turn, but I had a fantastic realization of the difference between being bored or lazy.

The textbook definition of bored is the state of feeling disinterested in one’s surroundings, having nothing to do, or feeling that life is dull. It can also mean to feel weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity. Sometimes we wish life is like a textbook where we can find everything, but unfortunately or maybe fortunately, life is much deeper than a textbook.

I think of boredom as when we have nothing to do, and therefore, we say we are bored. But in life, we never surely have anything to do. We can always do or work on something, but we do not want to do anything, and therefore, we say that we are bored. Some people would classify that as being lazy, but I do not think of it that way. Sometimes, it is good to be in such a state of doing nothing, but it depends on the state of mind during such times, which determines the outcome. When we do nothing at all, our mind gets a break, and therefore when we come back to do our work, it becomes easier and faster to get the job done.

Now coming back to laziness. Laziness may relate to when we do not want to work or think, but I believe that when we do not want to work or think of as destressing, though we mentally may not be stressed. Destressing could be interpreted in many ways, but I like to think of it as doing something you love, whether it’s relaxing on a couch or painting.

When we get “bored” and repeatedly say that we end up going into laziness. Laziness and boredom are like two sides of a pendulum. When we reach one side and keep pushing it higher and higher, we end up swinging to the other side with a great force. In between the pendulum at the center point, there is a rest time called destressing. When the mind recovers, it enables you to recharge, but we never can consciously be in that state for long, where the magical energy required to create amazing things probably exists.

For me, over the past 2 months, I have consciously observed this state, which has helped me get back in the rhythm of writing today and sharing on the Energy Drive to SMILE, SERVE, and PRAY as we celebrate Diwali Week.

Finally, one request for Diwali. Diwali is the festival of lights, and as some of you may know, we have our fantastic chandelier page, which I made last year, with unique and inspiring quotes from you all. Even if you have shared a quote earlier, please share a new one, and if you have not done so already, I await to receive some new inspiration from you. Please contribute to lighting our chandelier and am looking forward to reading and adding your amazing quotes to the page. Wishing a very happy Diwali to everyone, and hope everyone has a safe and amazing Diwali. Do not forget to SHARE, LIKE, AND COMMENT on both the posts, especially our Energy Drive.