I am back to school and it is game time. I started high school virtually and while the initial reaction from all whom I speak to is more of being sympathetic towards my situation; this has been an opportunity for me to improve my time management skills and self-development. Also being an introvert, I have learned to break the script and learn how to make friends and build relationships virtually. Although on the surface it looks tough, I am proud to be part of the few who will get this one in a lifetime experience of starting a new school virtually.

This weekend I was reflecting on the past few weeks and was wondering why I was so charged up and motivated to do new things. Then it struck me; the word, commit, got stuck in my head just like a song, and that has been doing the magic. This all started while I was teaching archery to someone, I figured out that we do not just let go of the arrow, but we have to commit to letting the arrow go to hit the bullseye. After that, I realized that in order to do something continuously every day or even just during that one moment, we just have to commit to doing it.

During the lockdown, I have not only been doing new things, but I have been committing to doing those things regularly. Whenever we say, “I will,” “later,” or “okay,” we agree to do those things at that moment in time, but we do not commit to doing that task or assignment later. A common example with me is whenever I am at the dining table for lunch or dinner I always say, “I will have it later” if someone asks me to try something new, but I never actually eat it later.

A couple of days ago while scrolling through social media, I found an excellent quote which I thought would be a great start to my commitment to writing something every day even if it is just one sentence. The quote said, “There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances and time permit you to. But when you are committed to doing something, you accept no excuses only results.”

Now I finally understand after a few years why my guru, Rajen uncle, says that 7-1=0, 30-1=0, 365-1=0. Though my math teacher may not agree, my inner self does. Doing something we have committed to for seven days and then not doing it for one day makes us come back to where we have started which makes it zero.

Don’t just agree but commit is my new mantra as I continue this school year. Now as I am committed to my blog, I am planning to post regularly on my social channels, do new things, and I would love to make it interactive with your participation. So please join me on my social channels by clicking below and please do like, comment, and share.