As mentioned in Iqbal – Never Give Up, Iqbal was very determined, but you may not know that he couldn’t control his anger growing up.  There were several things which contributed to this partially his disability with his speech, the fact that while he was passionate for Cricket his father did not support him, and other limitations of life.

There are many excellent life lesson in the film with low and high points as this film is based on a True Story.  Despite his disability with his speech he gets selected into a cricket team and starts to become a strong cricket player, but due to unfair partiality between the rich and the poor he is was taken out of the cricket team.  This was low point in his life.

As we know Iqbal was determined beyond normal and in the process he found a new coach.   While he had many strengths such as his determination he also had a few weaknesses such as he would get frustrated during practice and get angry when he could not figure things out.  His coach taught him rather than being upset and negative to convert this weakness in to his strength. Iqbal acknowledged his weakness and learned to channelize his negative energy from anger to focus which allowed him to achieve his goals. He did not only control his anger, but he channeled it to become a great cricket player.

This blog relates a lot to my personal life as sometimes when things do not go as I expected them to I quickly get upset on small things.  Now I am slowly getting better at channelizing my energy, it is surely one of my goals for the Summer. As I grow up I want to be able to channel and control my anger like Iqbal.